class | ArrayData |
| Class to hold an arbitrary block of data. More...
class | Asset |
| Parent class for DCP assets, i.e. picture, sound, subtitles, closed captions, CPLs, fonts. More...
class | AssetList |
class | AssetMap |
class | AssetReader |
class | AssetWriter |
| Parent class for classes which can write MXF-based assets. More...
class | AtmosAsset |
| An asset of Dolby ATMOS sound data. More...
class | AtmosAssetWriter |
| A helper class for writing to AtmosAssets. More...
class | Bitstream |
class | Certificate |
| A wrapper for an X509 certificate. More...
class | CertificateChain |
| A chain of any number of certificates, from root to leaf. More...
class | Chromaticity |
| A representation of a x,y,z chromaticity, where z = 1 - x - y. More...
class | ColourConversion |
| A representation of all the parameters involved the colourspace conversion of a YUV image to XYZ (via RGB) More...
class | ContentKind |
class | CPL |
| A Composition Playlist. More...
class | CryptoContext |
class | Data |
class | DCP |
| A class to create or read a DCP. More...
class | Time |
| A representation of time within a DCP. More...
class | DecryptedKDM |
| A decrypted KDM. More...
class | DecryptedKDMKey |
| An un- or de-crypted key from a KDM. More...
class | EncryptedKDM |
| An encrypted KDM. More...
class | EqualityOptions |
| A class to describe what "equality" means for a particular test. More...
class | FileError |
| An exception related to a file. More...
class | MXFFileError |
| An exception related to an MXF file. More...
class | MiscError |
| A miscellaneous exception. More...
class | ReadError |
| Any error that occurs when reading data from a DCP. More...
class | J2KDecompressionError |
| An error that occurs during decompression of JPEG2000 data. More...
class | MPEG2CodecError |
class | MPEG2DecompressionError |
class | MPEG2CompressionError |
class | BadContentKindError |
class | MissingAssetmapError |
| Thrown when no ASSETMAP was found when trying to read a DCP. More...
class | XMLError |
| An XML error. More...
class | UnresolvedRefError |
| An exception caused by a reference (by UUID) to something which is not known. More...
class | TimeFormatError |
| A an error with a string passed to LocalTime. More...
class | NotEncryptedError |
| An error raised when creating a DecryptedKDM object for assets that are not encrypted. More...
class | ProgrammingError |
| An exception thrown when a DCP_ASSERT fails; something that should not happen. More...
class | KDMDecryptionError |
class | KDMFormatError |
class | CertificateChainError |
class | MissingTextImageError |
class | BadKDMDateError |
class | StartCompressionError |
class | CombineError |
class | LanguageTagError |
class | BadSettingError |
class | DuplicateIdError |
class | MainSoundConfigurationError |
class | UnknownChannelIdError |
class | NoReelsError |
class | InconsistentValidityPeriodError |
class | BadURNUUIDError |
class | FFmpegImage |
class | File |
class | FontAsset |
| A (truetype) font asset for subtitles in an Interop DCP. More...
class | Frame |
class | FrameInfo |
| Information about a single frame (either a monoscopic frame or a left or right eye stereoscopic frame) More...
struct | J2KFrameInfo |
struct | MPEG2FrameInfo |
class | FSK |
| Create frequency-shift-keyed samples for encoding synchronization signals. More...
class | GammaTransferFunction |
| A description of a gamma function of the f(x) = x^g where g is the gamma. More...
class | IdentityTransferFunction |
class | InteropLoadFontNode |
class | InteropTextAsset |
| A set of subtitles to be read and/or written in the Inter-Op format. More...
class | J2KPictureAsset |
| An asset made up of JPEG2000 data. More...
class | J2KPictureAssetWriter |
| Parent class for classes which write picture assets. More...
struct | ASDCPJ2KStateBase |
class | Key |
| A key for decrypting/encrypting assets. More...
class | LanguageTag |
class | LoadFontNode |
| Parser for LoadFont nodes from subtitle XML. More...
class | LocalTime |
| A representation of a local time (down to the second), including its offset from GMT (equivalent to xs:dateTime). More...
class | MXFMetadata |
| Metadata that is written to a MXF file's header. More...
class | ModifiedGammaTransferFunction |
class | MonoJ2KPictureAsset |
| A 2D (monoscopic) picture asset. More...
class | MonoJ2KPictureAssetWriter |
| A helper class for writing to MonoJ2KPictureAssets. More...
class | MonoJ2KPictureFrame |
| A single frame of a 2D (monoscopic) picture asset. More...
class | MonoMPEG2PictureAsset |
class | MonoMPEG2PictureAssetWriter |
class | MonoMPEG2PictureFrame |
class | MPEG2PictureAsset |
class | MPEG2PictureAssetWriter |
struct | ASDCPMPEG2StateBase |
class | MPEG2Codec |
class | MPEG2Decompressor |
class | MPEG2Compressor |
class | MXF |
| Parent for classes which represent MXF files. More...
class | NameFormat |
class | Object |
| Some part of a DCP that has a UUID. More...
class | OpenJPEGImage |
| A wrapper of libopenjpeg's opj_image_t. More...
class | PictureAsset |
class | PiecewiseLUT2 |
class | PKL |
class | Rating |
class | RatingSystem |
class | Reel |
| A reel within a DCP; the part which actually refers to picture, sound, subtitle, marker and Atmos data. More...
class | ReelAsset |
| An entry in a <Reel> which refers to a use of a piece of content. More...
class | ReelAtmosAsset |
| Part of a Reel's description which refers to a Atmos MXF. More...
class | ReelFileAsset |
class | ReelInteropTextAsset |
| Part of a Reel's description which refers to an Interop subtitle or caption XML file. More...
class | ReelMarkersAsset |
class | ReelMonoPictureAsset |
| Part of a Reel's description which refers to a monoscopic picture asset. More...
class | ReelPictureAsset |
| Part of a Reel's description which refers to a picture asset. More...
class | ReelSMPTETextAsset |
| Part of a Reel's description which refers to an SMPTE subtitle or caption MXF file. More...
class | ReelSoundAsset |
| Part of a Reel's description which refers to a sound asset. More...
class | ReelStereoPictureAsset |
| Part of a Reel's description which refers to a stereoscopic picture asset. More...
class | ReelTextAsset |
| Part of a Reel's description which refers to a subtitle or caption XML/MXF file. More...
class | Ref |
| A reference to an asset which is identified by a universally-unique identifier (UUID) More...
class | Ruby |
class | SGamut3TransferFunction |
class | ScopeGuard |
class | SMPTELoadFontNode |
| Parser for LoadFont nodes from SMPTE subtitle XML. More...
class | SMPTETextAsset |
| A set of subtitles/captions to be read and/or written in the SMPTE format. More...
class | SoundAsset |
| Representation of a sound asset. More...
class | SoundAssetWriter |
| A helper class for writing to SoundAssets. More...
class | SoundFrame |
class | StereoJ2KPictureAsset |
| A 3D (stereoscopic) picture asset. More...
class | StereoJ2KPictureAssetWriter |
| A helper class for writing to StereoJ2KPictureAssets. More...
class | StereoJ2KPictureFrame |
| A single frame of a 3D (stereoscopic) picture asset. More...
class | Text |
class | TextAsset |
| A parent for classes representing a file containing subtitles or captions. More...
class | TextImage |
| A bitmap subtitle or caption with all the associated attributes. More...
class | TextString |
| A single line of subtitle text with all the associated attributes. More...
class | TransferFunction |
| A transfer function represented by a lookup table. More...
struct | Size |
| The integer, two-dimensional size of something. More...
class | Fraction |
| A fraction (i.e. a thing with an integer numerator and an integer denominator). More...
class | Colour |
| An RGB colour. More...
class | ContentVersion |
class | Luminance |
class | MainSoundConfiguration |
class | UTCOffset |
class | ASDCPErrorSuspender |
class | VerificationNote |
struct | VerificationOptions |
struct | VerificationResult |
struct | LinesCharactersResult |
class | Context |
class | Formatter |
class | TextFormatter |
class | HTMLFormatter |
std::shared_ptr< Asset > | asset_factory (boost::filesystem::path path, bool ignore_incorrect_picture_mxf_type, bool *found_threed_marked_as_twod=nullptr) |
bool | operator== (Certificate const &a, Certificate const &b) |
bool | operator< (Certificate const &a, Certificate const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, Certificate const &c) |
std::string | public_key_digest (RSA *public_key) |
std::string | public_key_digest (boost::filesystem::path private_key) |
std::string | escape_digest (std::string digest) |
void | combine (std::vector< boost::filesystem::path > inputs, boost::filesystem::path output, std::string issuer=String::compose("libdcp %1", dcp::version), std::string creator=String::compose("libdcp %1", dcp::version), std::string issue_date=LocalTime().as_string(), std::string annotation_text=String::compose("Created by libdcp %1", dcp::version), std::shared_ptr< const CertificateChain > signer=std::shared_ptr< CertificateChain >()) |
bool | operator== (ContentKind const &a, ContentKind const &b) |
bool | operator!= (ContentKind const &a, ContentKind const &b) |
bool | operator== (Data const &a, Data const &b) |
bool | operator!= (Data const &a, Data const &b) |
bool | operator== (Time const &a, Time const &b) |
bool | operator!= (Time const &a, Time const &b) |
bool | operator<= (Time const &a, Time const &b) |
bool | operator< (Time const &a, Time const &b) |
bool | operator> (Time const &a, Time const &b) |
bool | operator>= (Time const &a, Time const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, Time const &t) |
Time | operator+ (Time a, Time b) |
Time | operator- (Time a, Time b) |
float | operator/ (Time a, Time const &b) |
bool | operator== (DecryptedKDMKey const &, DecryptedKDMKey const &) |
bool | operator== (EncryptedKDM const &a, EncryptedKDM const &b) |
std::string | halign_to_string (HAlign a) |
HAlign | string_to_halign (std::string s) |
bool | operator== (InteropLoadFontNode const &a, InteropLoadFontNode const &b) |
bool | operator!= (InteropLoadFontNode const &a, InteropLoadFontNode const &b) |
std::shared_ptr< OpenJPEGImage > | decompress_j2k (uint8_t const *data, int64_t size, int reduce) |
std::shared_ptr< OpenJPEGImage > | decompress_j2k (Data const &data, int reduce) |
std::shared_ptr< OpenJPEGImage > | decompress_j2k (std::shared_ptr< const Data > data, int reduce) |
ArrayData | compress_j2k (std::shared_ptr< const OpenJPEGImage >, int bandwidth, int frames_per_second, bool threed, bool fourk, std::string comment="libdcp") |
bool | operator== (Key const &a, Key const &b) |
bool | operator!= (Key const &a, Key const &b) |
bool | operator== (dcp::LanguageTag const &a, dcp::LanguageTag const &b) |
bool | operator!= (dcp::LanguageTag const &a, dcp::LanguageTag const &b) |
bool | operator< (dcp::LanguageTag const &a, dcp::LanguageTag const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, dcp::LanguageTag const &tag) |
void | load_language_tag_lists (boost::filesystem::path tags_directory) |
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > | dcnc_tags () |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, LocalTime const &t) |
template<typename P , typename Q > |
P | locale_convert (Q, int precision=16, bool fixed=false) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (unsigned char x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (unsigned short int x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (int x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (unsigned int x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (long int x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (unsigned long int x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (long long int x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (unsigned long long int x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (float x, int precision, bool fixed) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (double x, int precision, bool fixed) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (std::string x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (char *x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (char const *x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (wchar_t const *x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (char x, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | locale_convert (boost::filesystem::path x, int, bool) |
bool | operator== (NameFormat const &a, NameFormat const &b) |
bool | operator== (Rating const &a, Rating const &b) |
std::vector< RatingSystem > | rating_systems () |
void | load_rating_list (boost::filesystem::path ratings_file) |
template<typename P , typename Q > |
P | raw_convert (Q, int precision=16, bool fixed=false) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (unsigned char v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (unsigned short int v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (int v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (unsigned int v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (long v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (unsigned long v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (long long v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (unsigned long long v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (float v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (double v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (char const *v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (char *v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (std::string v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (wchar_t const *v, int, bool) |
template<> |
std::string | raw_convert (char v, int, bool) |
void | xyz_to_rgba (std::shared_ptr< const OpenJPEGImage >, ColourConversion const &conversion, uint8_t *rgba, int stride) |
void | xyz_to_rgb (std::shared_ptr< const OpenJPEGImage >, ColourConversion const &conversion, uint8_t *rgb, int stride, boost::optional< NoteHandler > note=boost::optional< NoteHandler >()) |
PiecewiseLUT2 | make_inverse_gamma_lut (std::shared_ptr< const TransferFunction > fn) |
void | rgb_to_xyz (uint8_t const *rgb, uint16_t *dst, dcp::Size size, int stride, ColourConversion const &conversion) |
std::shared_ptr< OpenJPEGImage > | rgb_to_xyz (uint8_t const *rgb, dcp::Size size, int stride, ColourConversion const &conversion) |
void | combined_rgb_to_xyz (ColourConversion const &conversion, double *matrix) |
bool | operator== (Ruby const &a, Ruby const &b) |
bool | operator!= (Ruby const &a, Ruby const &b) |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< dcp::CPL > > | find_and_resolve_cpls (std::vector< boost::filesystem::path > const &directories, bool tolerant) |
bool | operator== (SMPTELoadFontNode const &a, SMPTELoadFontNode const &b) |
bool | operator!= (SMPTELoadFontNode const &a, SMPTELoadFontNode const &b) |
bool | uses_baseline (SubtitleStandard standard) |
bool | uses_bounding_box (SubtitleStandard standard) |
bool | operator== (TextImage const &a, TextImage const &b) |
bool | operator!= (TextImage const &a, TextImage const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, TextImage const &text) |
bool | operator== (TextString const &a, TextString const &b) |
bool | operator!= (TextString const &a, TextString const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, TextString const &sub) |
bool | operator== (Size const &a, Size const &b) |
bool | operator!= (Size const &a, Size const &b) |
std::vector< dcp::Channel > | used_audio_channels () |
std::string | channel_to_mca_id (Channel c, MCASoundField field) |
Channel | mca_id_to_channel (std::string) |
std::string | channel_to_mca_name (Channel c, MCASoundField field) |
ASDCP::UL | channel_to_mca_universal_label (Channel c, MCASoundField field, ASDCP::Dictionary const *dict) |
std::string | effect_to_string (Effect e) |
Effect | string_to_effect (std::string s) |
std::string | direction_to_string (Direction a) |
Direction | string_to_direction (std::string s) |
bool | operator== (Fraction const &a, Fraction const &b) |
bool | operator!= (Fraction const &a, Fraction const &b) |
std::string | formulation_to_string (dcp::Formulation formulation) |
dcp::Formulation | string_to_formulation (std::string forumulation) |
bool | operator== (Colour const &a, Colour const &b) |
bool | operator!= (Colour const &a, Colour const &b) |
std::string | marker_to_string (Marker) |
Marker | marker_from_string (std::string) |
std::string | status_to_string (Status s) |
Status | string_to_status (std::string s) |
bool | operator== (Luminance const &a, Luminance const &b) |
bool | operator== (UTCOffset const &a, UTCOffset const &b) |
bool | operator!= (UTCOffset const &a, UTCOffset const &b) |
std::string | make_uuid () |
std::string | make_digest (boost::filesystem::path filename, boost::function< void(int64_t, int64_t)>) |
std::string | make_digest (ArrayData data) |
bool | ids_equal (std::string a, std::string b) |
std::string | remove_urn_uuid (std::string raw) |
void | init (boost::optional< boost::filesystem::path > resources_directory=boost::optional< boost::filesystem::path >()) |
int | base64_decode (std::string const &in, unsigned char *out, int out_length) |
boost::optional< boost::filesystem::path > | relative_to_root (boost::filesystem::path root, boost::filesystem::path file) |
std::string | file_to_string (boost::filesystem::path, uintmax_t max_length=1048576) |
void | write_string_to_file (std::string const &string, boost::filesystem::path const &path) |
std::string | private_key_fingerprint (std::string key) |
std::string | openjpeg_version () |
std::string | spaces (int n) |
void | indent (xmlpp::Element *element, int initial) |
bool | day_less_than_or_equal (LocalTime a, LocalTime b) |
bool | day_greater_than_or_equal (LocalTime a, LocalTime b) |
std::string | unique_string (std::vector< std::string > existing, std::string base) |
boost::filesystem::path | directory_containing_executable () |
boost::filesystem::path | resources_directory () |
template<class From , class To > |
void | add_to_container (To &container, From source) |
std::string | valign_to_string (VAlign a) |
VAlign | string_to_valign (std::string s) |
VerificationResult | verify (std::vector< boost::filesystem::path > directories, std::vector< dcp::DecryptedKDM > kdms, std::function< void(std::string, boost::optional< boost::filesystem::path >)> stage, std::function< void(float)> progress, VerificationOptions options={}, boost::optional< boost::filesystem::path > xsd_dtd_directory=boost::optional< boost::filesystem::path >()) |
std::string | note_to_string (dcp::VerificationNote note, std::function< std::string(std::string)> process_string=[](std::string s) { return s;}, std::function< std::string(std::string)> process_filename=[](std::string s) { return s;}) |
bool | operator== (dcp::VerificationNote const &a, dcp::VerificationNote const &b) |
bool | operator!= (dcp::VerificationNote const &a, dcp::VerificationNote const &b) |
bool | operator< (dcp::VerificationNote const &a, dcp::VerificationNote const &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, dcp::VerificationNote const ¬e) |
void | verify_text_lines_and_characters (std::shared_ptr< const dcp::TextAsset > asset, int warning_length, int error_length, dcp::LinesCharactersResult *result) |
void | verify_extension_metadata (dcp::Context &context) |
void | verify_j2k (std::shared_ptr< const Data > data, int start_index, int frame_index, int frame_rate, std::vector< VerificationNote > ¬es) |
void | verify_report (dcp::VerificationResult const &result, Formatter &formatter) |
template<class T > |
std::shared_ptr< T > | optional_type_child (cxml::Node const &node, std::string name) |
template<class T > |
std::shared_ptr< T > | type_child (std::shared_ptr< const cxml::Node > node, std::string name) |
template<class T > |
std::shared_ptr< T > | optional_type_child (std::shared_ptr< const cxml::Node > node, std::string name) |
template<class T > |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > > | type_children (cxml::Node const &node, std::string name) |
template<class T > |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > > | type_children (std::shared_ptr< const cxml::Node > node, std::string name) |
template<class T > |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > > | type_grand_children (cxml::Node const &node, std::string name, std::string sub) |
template<class T > |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > > | type_grand_children (std::shared_ptr< const cxml::Node > node, std::string name, std::string sub) |