This is the complete list of members for dcp::SoundAsset, including all inherited members.
_active_channels | dcp::SoundAsset | private |
_bit_depth (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | private |
_channels | dcp::SoundAsset | private |
_context_id (defined in dcp::MXF) | dcp::MXF | protected |
_edit_rate (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | private |
_file | dcp::Asset | mutableprotected |
_hash | dcp::Asset | mutableprivate |
_id (defined in dcp::Object) | dcp::Object | protected |
_intrinsic_duration | dcp::SoundAsset | private |
_key | dcp::MXF | protected |
_key_id | dcp::MXF | protected |
_language (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | private |
_metadata (defined in dcp::MXF) | dcp::MXF | protected |
_sampling_rate | dcp::SoundAsset | private |
_standard (defined in dcp::MXF) | dcp::MXF | protected |
active_channels() const | dcp::SoundAsset | |
add_file_to_assetmap(AssetMap &asset_map, boost::filesystem::path root, boost::filesystem::path file, std::string id) (defined in dcp::Asset) | dcp::Asset | protectedstatic |
add_to_assetmap(AssetMap &asset_map, boost::filesystem::path root) const (defined in dcp::Asset) | dcp::Asset | virtual |
add_to_pkl(std::shared_ptr< PKL > pkl, boost::filesystem::path root) const (defined in dcp::Asset) | dcp::Asset | virtual |
Asset() | dcp::Asset | |
Asset(boost::filesystem::path file) | dcp::Asset | explicit |
Asset(std::string id, boost::filesystem::path file) | dcp::Asset | |
AtmosSync enum name (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | |
bit_depth() const | dcp::SoundAsset | inline |
channels() const | dcp::SoundAsset | inline |
context_id() const | dcp::MXF | inline |
edit_rate() const (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | inline |
encrypted() const | dcp::MXF | inline |
equals(std::shared_ptr< const Asset > other, EqualityOptions const &opt, NoteHandler note) const override (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | virtual |
file() const | dcp::Asset | inline |
fill_writer_info(ASDCP::WriterInfo *w, std::string id) const | dcp::MXF | protected |
hash(boost::function< void(int64_t, int64_t)> progress={}) const | dcp::Asset | |
id() const (defined in dcp::Object) | dcp::Object | inline |
intrinsic_duration() const (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | inline |
key() const | dcp::MXF | inline |
key_id() const | dcp::MXF | inline |
language() const (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | inline |
MCASubDescriptors enum name (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | |
metadata() const | dcp::MXF | inline |
MXF(Standard standard) (defined in dcp::MXF) | dcp::MXF | |
MXF() (defined in dcp::MXF) | dcp::MXF | protected |
Object() | dcp::Object | |
Object(std::string id) | dcp::Object | explicit |
Object(Object const &other) (defined in dcp::Object) | dcp::Object | inline |
operator=(Object const &other) (defined in dcp::Object) | dcp::Object | inline |
pkl_type(Standard standard) const =0 | dcp::Asset | privatepure virtual |
read_writer_info(ASDCP::WriterInfo const &) | dcp::MXF | protected |
rename_file(boost::filesystem::path file) | dcp::Asset | |
sampling_rate() const | dcp::SoundAsset | inline |
set_context_id(std::string id) | dcp::MXF | inline |
set_file(boost::filesystem::path file) const | dcp::Asset | |
set_file_preserving_hash(boost::filesystem::path file) const | dcp::Asset | |
set_hash(std::string hash) (defined in dcp::Asset) | dcp::Asset | |
set_key(Key) | dcp::MXF | virtual |
set_key_id(std::string i) | dcp::MXF | inline |
set_metadata(MXFMetadata m) | dcp::MXF | inline |
SoundAsset(boost::filesystem::path file) (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | explicit |
SoundAsset(Fraction edit_rate, int sampling_rate, int channels, LanguageTag language, Standard standard) (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | |
SoundAssetWriter (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | friend |
standard() const (defined in dcp::MXF) | dcp::MXF | inline |
start_read() const (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | |
start_write(boost::filesystem::path file, std::vector< dcp::Channel > extra_active_channels, AtmosSync atmos_sync, MCASubDescriptors mca_subdescriptors) | dcp::SoundAsset | |
static_pkl_type(Standard standard) (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | static |
unset_hash() (defined in dcp::Asset) | dcp::Asset | |
valid_mxf(boost::filesystem::path) (defined in dcp::SoundAsset) | dcp::SoundAsset | static |
~MXF() (defined in dcp::MXF) | dcp::MXF | inlinevirtual |
~Object() (defined in dcp::Object) | dcp::Object | inlinevirtual |